Moda Minimal Clean Tienda PrestaShop

6 meses de apoyo Con el producto, obtendrá 6 meses de soporte del autor. Para más info, por favor, consulte la política de soporte.

shoppingBag Ventas: 51


Creado: 24 jun 2022

Actualizado: 15 mar 2024

identificación: 254629

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

500k artículos | Uso comercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Apoyo Suscribirse y descargarlo  GRATIS
Moda Minimal Clean Tienda PrestaShop - Características Imagen 1

Fashion Minimal Clean Store adecuado para que la tienda venda moda, ropa, moda para niños, moda para mujeres, moda para hombres, joyería, muebles, accesorios, etc.

Con un diseño moderno, simple y limpio, fácil de personalizar junto con nuestro módulo en backoffice, creemos que estará satisfecho con él.

La plantilla de moda incluye muchas características buenas para tiendas pequeñas y medianas: contenido Drap & Drop con el módulo Ap Page Builde, Ajaxcart, Search Ajax, Filter, Extratab, Prev&Next Product, Mega Menu, Blog, Slider, Zoom Product, etc.

puedes ver la demostración para experimentarlo, creemos que te gustará

Lista de cambios

upload version 8.1.4

****templates change:

-List file change

assets\js\theme.js assets\js\thirdPartyNotice.json \templates\catalog_partials\miniatures\category.tpl templates\catalog_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl


templates\catalog_partials\category-header.tpl templates\catalog_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl


templates\catalog_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\checkout_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout_partials\cart-summary-product-line.tpl templates\checkout_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\discount.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl

5 Reseñas de este producto

I do not recommend, every developer I worked with had a problem editing this template. Never use additional services Templateog体育首页 they do not do the work they set and if they do something you have to fix it, I lost $1000 on their services. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!
Hello, you have problems with our template ? you send use ticket for error we can help for you
Very Good Author's assistance and template is perfect compatible with new version of prestashop.
Thanks you so much
Excellent template and support. They helped us a lot on our project. Thanks
Thank you so much
Awesome Support ¡¡¡they help us a lot with our project. Very good.
Thank you so much
We use it 2 weeks - support gives answer clear and help to solve some questions - which are not problem of theme. It has 5 internal templates and not only for fashion. Very fast and easy adjustment
Thank you so much

0 Comentarios para este producto

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Expert Author

Customer Support

4,8 /5
Support rating (32 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 30 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 2
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
